It was a cool start to a nice ride on Saturday. A few of us (Bruce, Charmelle, Chris, Matt, and Steve) took part in the Kal-Haven Trail Blazer. Even though Steve tried to convince us that he had forgotten his bike back in Ann Arbor, we all rode the multi-use rails-to-trail from South Haven, MI to somewhere west of Kalamzoo.
It was a great day and a nice 40 miles (or 46 for Charmelle and Chris, who just had to go a little further). While on the ride, we accomplished a few important tasks.
- Matt decided he really loves his new bike (but he doesn’t “LOVE” his new bike)
- Steve decided he really does want a new bike (or maybe we decided that for him)
- Charmelle is definitely ready for the cycling part of her triathlon in June
- Bruce likes his new camera (I’m really hoping he doesn’t “LOVE” his new camera)
- Chris and Charmelle are still deciding if clippless pedals are really that much fun, but they are waiting to see if this gravity thing is here to stay or just a fad
- Steve and Bruce both have some issues…we won’t talk about those things
- Oh yea, we think we have the transportation stuff worked out, stay tuned for details on that!!!!!
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