Monday, March 24, 2008

MacGyver and not so cute shoes!

I attended a women's bike night at a local bike shop this evening. A rep from the Trek Women's Specific Design team was on hand to talk about bike fit, show us how to change a tire and give us free stuff. Obviously the free stuff was the coolest part of the program. I got this awesome multi tool. I feel like MacGyver. About the tire changing, I may just keep the van on speed dial for assistance. They showed me a variety of bike shoes ... seriously are they all that ugly? Yes Matt and Bruce I said it! I have to be able to keep some sort of fashion sense while I trek across Iowa. ;-). I suppose Velcro is pretty much a done deal for bike shoes and I am okay with that, but ugly laces and drab colors are so not necessary. I am on a mission to find way cuter shoes and bike shirts.

I get to ride a bunch of high end road bikes tuesday as the chick from Trek has a full trailer of all sorts of bikes. I figure I may as well spoil myself now and then get back to the reality of the not so high end bike that I have. I am trying to figure out how much plasma I need to sell in order to buy a really kick ass bike. ;-)

Oh ... my life has become bike riding and writing my thesis!! I seriously am fitting into this team more and more each day! ;-)


Matthew E. Mooney, Ph.D. said...

As far as fashionable shoes, you may want to look at Sidi. They at least have bright colors. Of course, none of us can afford them. You might also like the Keen Commuter. Not pretty, but sort of fun.

Tascha said...

I have the standard ugly biker shoes, but there definitely are other options. I like the Keen Commuter that Matt mentioned - I am an outdoor oriented person, so to me, those DO look pretty (guessing you have a different definition of that for your shoes). Also, just about every brand now has a shoe that laces up and looks like a tennis/hiking shoe. Or you can just think of the funny padded shorts and ugly shoes as the secret handshake of the biking world :)