Matt, Chris and I rode the the Tuesday Night Outpost Ride (held on Thursday because of the Indpendence Day holiday).
Great ride up through Michigan. We only got off-map once (and this time, it most certainly was NOT my fault!). A total of 35.8 miles and then back to our house for hot dogs, burgers, chips and potato salad. (Thanks Gail! for getting all that around . . . )

I suppose we should note Chris's latest addition to his "medals" . . . On Sunday, July 1, we (Chris, Matt, Henry Scott, and I) took a pedal up to Buchanan, MI. While no fault of his own, Chris took a tumble that resulted in 6 glorious stitches to his right elbow. Fortunately, we were not 100 yards from a RiteAid Pharmacy. Henry rounded up some first aid supplies, Matt and Chris did a little wound scrubbing in the men's room of the Hilltop Cafe, and I waited patiently at the table for the quick fix to be finished. While it would be pretty gross to actually show the wound, here is a shot of the elbow and the bandage. We still have Karen's blessing to take Chris riding in the future; we just have to promise he'll use elbow and knee pads.
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