Thursday, March 27, 2008

Training has begun!

Bruce, Charmelle, and I began our grueling training program for RAGBRAI today. Since many of the riders will be attending their first RAGBRAI this year, I thought I would share some of our tips.

RAGBRAI takes a lot of commitment, a lot of heart, and a lot of work. You need to start training now! Tonight, we started out slow and small, but made that first step. It started with some stretching and clothing that can’t be too restrictive.

Then there are decisions to be made. You have to think about what you can accomplish at any given session. The goal is to know exactly how much you can take and not stop short or take too much.

Regardless of what you tackle in any given session, you have to commit to it. Each of us took a little different approach. Bruce and Charmelle both went for a more rich session, I took a little more of a plain vanilla approach.

We all finished in record time and really feel like we’ve made the first steps toward preparing for RAGBRAI 2008. We all decided on the Cold Stone Creamery “I like it” size for this first session of 2008. Bruce tackled the “Peanut butter Cup Perfection.” Charmelle decided on “Oreo Chocolate Dirt.” I selected the “Founders Favorite.”

While it was a light work out, it was still a great start to the ride. We’ll be eating pork, fresh corn, homemade ice cream, and pies for 8 days. Start training NOW!!!!!!!!!!


Tascha said...

Hmmm... I approached my training today by having a margarita. I am guessing that beer products will be more frequently found on the trail, but every little bit counts in training, right?

Bruce Spitzer said...

Unfortunately, Tascha . . . no one seems to have gotten the memo that there's beer and then there's fizzy yellow weak s**t that comes in plastic brown bottles.

Year 1, my disappointment was so great that for 7 days I drank nothing.

Year 2, I resigned myself to having to drink the fizzy stuff, but to the rescue came your dad who so graciously drove the van for us and kept the cooler well stocked with good brown beers and lots of ice.

Year 3 . . . well, we'll just have to see what the future holds.